0.5 Conventions

I will be using code from different sources. Some will be made-up (and therefore, no guarantees that the code makes sense.... or even works) and some will come from real projects.

I will be using git as the version control system for the examples. Version 2.26.2 from debian testing packages as of the moment I am writing this line. 2

When showing content of files, there will be the number of each line on the left. When running commands and showing output, there will be no numbering of the lines, unless stated otherwise.

When running commands, you will see the usual $ that is normally shown on prompts 3 followed by the command that I am running. On some occasions I might be showing the output of more than one command. On those cases, what I run each time will be prepended by the prompt $.

Do not expect to see many screenshots in the book. It is a mostly-text book. When I analyze the conflicts, they are shown in plain text, I won’t be using any IDE to help me solve the conflicts.