Chapter 1

 1.1 What is a Conflict?
  1.1.1 Example 0 - A non-conflict
  1.1.2 Example 1 - A simple conflict
  1.1.3 How to wrap up a conflict?
  1.1.4 Example 2 - Another simple example
  1.1.5 Questions
  1.1.6 Exercises
 1.2 Conflicts are a 3-sided coin
  1.2.1 Example 3 - a git conflict
  1.2.2 Tips
  1.2.3 Exercises
 1.3 Terms and Acronyms
  1.3.1 About the sections of a conflict
  1.3.2 Terms applied on a conflict from Example 3
  1.3.3 Terms applied on one conflict from Exercise 3
  1.3.4 About the differences between them
  1.3.5 Terms applied on CB from Example 3
  1.3.6 Terms applied on CB from Exercise 3
 1.4 Consider intents against the common ancestor
  1.4.1 Example 4 - conflict on our beloved script
  1.4.2 Exercises
 1.5 Choose your starting point
  1.5.1 Example 5
  1.5.2 Example 5... from LB
 1.6 Deleted code can be a challenge
  1.6.1 Example 6
  1.6.2 Example 7
  1.6.3 Example 8
  1.6.4 Example 9
  1.6.5 How can we avoid... guessing?
  1.6.6 Example 10 - a git example for deleted code
  1.6.7 Do not be impressed by big conflicts
  1.6.8 Example 11
  1.6.9 Bottom line
  1.6.10 Exercises
 1.7 cherry-pick, revert, rebase
  1.7.1 cherry-pick - Example 12
  1.7.2 revert - Example 13
  1.7.3 rebase - Example 14
  1.7.4 Tips