6When you open the file, it will look like a very long single line because notepad will fail to recognize the LF chars as line breaks. It has to be CRLF because who in their right mind would use something other than Microsoft software in the first place, right? Therefore, when you save the file (if you fail to realize what happened when you opened the file and didn’t run away from it), all line breaks will be gone. And if you decided to go separating the lines one by one in notepad and save them (Hey! Not all developers are in a rush to do stuff, you know?), then all the lines have been changed to have CRLF line breaks instead of the original LFs. And if this criticism is not true anymore because a new Microsoft Notepad has come out that supports different EOL formats, then let me say “Great!” Too bad it is coming some 30+ years too late. So I stand behind my criticism.